Adult Programs & Professional Development

Beyond Bias

Explore the history of women's rights, stereotyping and strategies to recognize and change bi-ased behavior.

- A three hour program, including a tour of the house, designed to address misconceptions as we explore our personal and shared history.

"I loved everything. The tour was very informative. The program was very thought-provoking. It makes me think deeply about how I stereotype."

"Outstanding program, that was informative and a great learning experience. The curriculum was well-designed."

"Very informative and relevant, not only to business but personal too."

For reservations, please contact Programs by email or call 585/235-6124 ext. 1

Inspiring One Another

Never stopping in her quest for human rights - not for illness, age, opposition, or disappoint-ments - Susan B. Anthony inspires us to be all we can be at every age of our lives. Join us at the Susan B. Anthony Museum & House for a tour focusing on Miss Anthony's age at key mile-stones in her life, followed by a (weather permitting) stroll through this beautiful 19th-century neighborhood.

- 1.5 hour program with special hour-long tour, and Architecture Walk, including statues of Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass.
For reservations, please contact Programs by email or call 585/235-6124 ext. 1

"I had always wanted to visit the Susan B. Anthony House - it was even better than I thought it would be!"

"Everything was so much more beautiful than I had imagined - I love the architecture of the neighborhood - and I love the park!"

"The price was more than worth it!"


Do you have an idea for another program that is not addressed here? Contact Programs by email or call 585/235-6124 ext. 1. We'd love to discuss it with you!