Nursing Friends of National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House
The mission of Nursing Friends of National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House is to inspire change through the legacy of Susan B. Anthony. We invite all nurses to become members of Nursing Friends and help us:
share the story of the connection between Susan B. Anthony and nursing,
celebrate nursing history and promote the profession of nursing, and
advocate for and encourage membership in the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House.
We’d love to have you join us. Just go to the membership page to select your membership level. Welcome!
The Beginning of Nursing Friends of National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House
In November of 2009, a gathering of nursing professionals in nursing education, research, and practice from local health-care organizations and area colleges convened at the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House in Rochester, NY. They were there to listen to a spirited and inspiring presentation by Elaine S. Marshall, RN, Ph.D., Endowed Chair and Director of Nursing Scholarship at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Marshall has done extensive research on the two nurses who attended both Susan B. Anthony and Mary Anthony in their final illnesses. Dr. Marshall surprised her Rochester audience with exciting information about the connections between Susan B. Anthony and the development of nursing as a profession.
Dr. Marshall, a native of Utah and current resident of Georgia, also surprised the group of mostly Rochesterians with previously little-known information about the significant role Rochester played in the establishment of the modern profession of nursing. Inspired by this rich local history, excited by the connections between Susan B. Anthony and nursing, the group organized Nursing Friends of National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House that day.
Nursing Friends want the links between nursing and Susan B. Anthony and between nursing and Rochester to be visible and real in our own lives and work. We invite you to join us in this exciting journey—become a Nursing Friend of National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House!